Reflections on Aging Well

Author, Living with Purpose in a Worn-out Body: Spiritual Encouragement for Older Adults (Upper Room) and Columnist, Aging Well, United Methodist Reporter

Old-young thoughts from the extreme center June 27, 2009

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I think I must be one of those people Adam Hamilton of United Methodist Church of the Resurrection describes as  clinging to the extreme center of certain faith issues.  All I know is that sometimes it feels awfully lonely here in the middle. 

Lately, I have been intrigued by conversations taking place in Methodist circles about “Rethinking Church” and asking “6 Questions”.   Since I most often write about older adults and faith,  my ears perk up when the words “old” and “young” are used.   It’s true I have a tender heart toward senior adults, especially those who are struggling to find purpose in a culture that honors youth, not age.   But as the mother of three amazing young adult children, I am also in awe of young adults… their energy and enthusiasm for ministry… and their willingness to think in fresh ways.  

I guess what I want is for old and young to really hear and respect each other.   Really.  Sometimes I wonder if we get old people mixed up with old ideas.   

So that’s my thought for today… here in the center.  I’m just wondering.